There is no true care without self-care
As a carer, it is not only important to know how to truly care for someone else but also how to truly care for yourself. I have learned a...

Empowerment, Responsibility and living with cancer
In the beginning after the first cancer diagnosis I looked everywhere outside myself for the cause of the breast cancer and blamed ‘God and

Trying to cure breast cancer naturally
When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer 16 years ago, I looked all over the world trying to find a natural way to cure breast...

Living joyfully with terminal cancer
'Living joyfully with terminal cancer' is the first video in a series I plan to release about the 16 years that I have been living with...

Growing up with Anxiety
As a little child I already had anxiety in my body and it was part of my daily life. After the war in Germany my parents put me in and...

From shock to deep joy – living well with a chronic disease
Living with breast cancer nearly 16 years now my relationship, approach, attitude and feeling about it has changed dramatically over the...

From wine to water: How I finally quit drinking alcohol with the help of Universal Medicine and Serg
I was drunk for the first time when I was in primary school (by accident – I didn’t know what I was drinking). I was at a friend’s...

To care and to be cared for
I have experienced what it is like to be cared for after several surgeries and I have also cared for a terminally ill friend until and...

Learning to self-nurture in my elder years – how it has enriched my life
Over the years and living with breast cancer for 15 years I have developed a good (and quite different) understanding of self-nurturing....

Judith and Ingrid – the unfolding of a beautiful friendship
This is the record of a beautiful and loving friendship between Judith and me. It took me 2 years to start writing about this deep and...